Benefits of Online Portals for Owners and Tenants

Benefits of Online Portals for Owners and Tenants

Since 87% of millennials place a high value on convenience, it's important that you have an easy-to-access tenant portal. As a landlord, it's important to make communicating with tenants and collecting rent easy. That's where property managers come in.

Here, we're going to talk about some benefits of creating a one-stop shop web application. Read on to learn why you should set up an online portal with the help of property management professionals in Indianapolis.


An online portal with all of your Indianapolis, Indiana tenant information is a great way to stay organized. Most landlords manage multiple properties, and those who don't may have tenants renting out different units in a single building. You need a one-stop shop to keep track of who is living where, how many people live in each unit, and how much their monthly rent is.

With a tenant portal, you have a one-stop shop to peruse tenant information. You also can see who has paid rent already, check maintenance requests, and see whether anyone is trying to get in touch with you.

Organization means always staying compliant with landlord-tenant laws.

All maintenance requests will also be in one place. People can submit them in the portal where you view them. This makes it easier to determine what needs to be resolved and when.

Timely Rent Payments

A tenant online portal lets renters pay rent from a mobile app. They won't need to worry about mailing you a check or even logging in on their desktop. Everything will be accessible on a simple dashboard anytime, anywhere.

You can also send out notifications to those who have not paid rent yet. This reminds people when it's due so they can pay it at their earliest convenience.

This might not even be necessary if you let tenants set up autopay through the portal. The rent will just come out of their accounts at the scheduled time. You'll be able to see that they paid within your backend portal so you can rest assured that you're getting all the funds you're due.

Communicating With Tenants in Indianapolis, Indiana

Traditionally, tenants needed landlord phone numbers and email addresses to contact them. While it's a good idea to give this information out so people have multiple ways to reach you, an online portal makes communication easier.

People can just log into their portal and chat with the property manager about their needs. They can make rent-related inquiries, talk about potential maintenance issues, and lodge complaints when needed. You usually won't even need to field their messages since a property management team will be on-call.

This bolsters your tenant-landlord relationship with each renter. When they like you, they're more likely to renew their leases. This decreases your vacancy rates so you can get more passive income.

Get Started With an Online Tenant Portal

Now that you know how a tenant portal can benefit both renters and landlords in Indianapolis, Indiana, it's time to get started. Our team is committed to helping you with property maintenance, tenant screening, and other aspects of managing your rental units. Contact PMI for a free rental analysis today.
